A wise little girl who gives you joy!
In a previous article, I gave you the “A.C.C. strategy.” Using it with perseverance, you will be able to harmonize all the interpersonal relationships you participate in. If people have acted for millennia using a wrong, dysfunctional routine, now we can use this new, useful habit.
In today’s article, I will present another simple strategy to you, also standardized, through which we will solve another difficult problem of people. It’s about the Pollyanna principle or The Game of Joy.
Our whole life is composed of a series of smaller or larger events. Some situations are designed by us consciously; others are imposed on us by chance.
The events that will satisfy our needs, desires, expectations will cause us joy. The others, much more numerous, will cause us disappointment, sadness, and pain.
Why is this happening? Why don’t we build, in this field, a standard attitude through which to appreciate positively and optimistically any event in our life?
Because of the tremendous force of tradition sustains this unproductive old attitude. Mental conservatism, the fear of the new and of change, characterizes most human beings.
A stupid verbal expression circulates among ordinary people in our country when a negative situation is discussed: “May God protect us from the worst.” A phrase that expresses cowardice and non-involvement.
Currently, how do most people deal with an event? They discriminate automatically, quickly, and almost unconsciously. If the created situation solves a need or a desire for them, they consider it a good thing, and they are happy. On the contrary, if it causes them pain or discomfort, they perceive it as a bad thing and make them sad and unhappy.
In conclusion, we label good or bad, not as that event is, but according to our traditional way of thinking and perceiving. The more pessimistic and depressed a person is, the more he will see reality in darker colors. This is how human beings’ lives have been for millennia; a little joy followed by several misfortunes. A cycle that repeats itself indefinitely.
That was until a hundred and something years ago when a brave little girl said: Stop! There is no obligation to torment you. No law obliges you to be a slave to events! You can always be happy and excited about life, adopting a new standard attitude, valid for approaching all events.
That’s how Pollyanna appeared, a little girl who, through a simple game, changed and illuminated the lives of millions of children and adults. The father of this little girl, an inferior priest, feeling that he was going to die, thought of leaving the girl a life-saving game. The game of joy!
The girl was taught that any event, any conjuncture in life, can be considered positive and beneficial. To achieve this performance, you must focus and, with the help of imagination, discover the reasons for accepting an optimistic and bright vision.
The other day I visited, together with my partner, a city in the area where we live. A sunny day, relatively warm for the end of November.
The yellow and orange leaves formed an infinite carpet on the asphalt on which our car was running. We were joking and enjoying this blessed day! At that time, we were having a contradictory discussion about the Pollyanna principle. My partner was the devil’s advocate. Bizarre coincidence! At that moment, we were overtaken by another car moving at high speed. I heard a bang from a rock that hit our windshield hard. I stopped the car and went to investigate the small crack made by that “bullet.” I applied an adhesive band over this hole to protect it from water. If water enters this area, it’s hard to repair.
From the mirage that encompassed us on this blessed day, the dust was chosen. My partner, who is very sensitive to material losses, was upset and frustrated.
My partner got out of the car, slammed the door nervously, and said angrily: Now, what does “the great motivational author say?” What is the reason why we should enjoy this damage?
I thought for a moment, turned to her, with a happy face, and replied: You do not understand? How can you be so blind? It is a delightful event. If we were overtaken by a truck full of rocks of a ton each, and one crashed over our car !? What if our lives ended a few moments ago?
The next moment I was hugged by a woman full of joy and gratitude. I also heard a whisper: “You were right.”
Specifically, what should you and your child do?
First, read Pollyanna’s book, at least the first volume, The Game of Joy. Emphasize, comment, and discuss everything the girl did to teach people how to access the states of joy.
You will discover that you, too, can achieve this performance through an optimistic, creative, and flexible interpretation of everything around you.
As with the A.C.C. strategy, you have to train, to repeat all the time, until you get a beneficial automatism. It seems trivial, simple, and comfortable, but it is not so.
Secondly, you can copy the girl’s image from this article (or another picture on the net) and keep it in your wallet. Turn this wise little girl into your virtual daughter or friend. Ask for help when you can’t find solutions to explain an event positively. Enjoy all the elements that build the miracle of life!