Welcome, navigator, to my wonderful harbor city.
It was built especially for adventurers like you, in search of light and truth. To not waste your time, I decided to give you some information about the concerns and habits of the place. If you find that this is not the right place for you, that this port does not have the treasure for which you are haunting the world, I advise you not to go ashore. I wish you the right wind in the sail, and I will pray that you succeed in your life’s adventure.
If you want to stay with us, you will have to make significant changes in your way of thinking and behaving in this land of normalcy and joy.
No one can live; he cannot adapt in a community made up of evolved and wise beings, as long as illusory thoughts and negative emotions possess him.
I don’t know if you came here by chance or chose this place rationally, driven by your needs and dissatisfaction.
But we know for sure that you are a bewildered and worried human being who comes from an abnormal and conflicted world. We also know for sure that all your life, you have fought desperately to be able to survive, you and your loved ones, to get at least a drop of normalcy, harmony, and joy. Your fight was a bit futile.
I have two news for you: one good and one … and better; the first good news is that you are not at all guilty of failing, so far, to build a life full of accomplishments and joys. This is the case with most human beings who live in the traditional world characterized by abnormality and darkness, in the world where thoughts and habits guide you to disharmony and evil. The second good news is that this time, you have reached the right place, where you will learn, by playing, how to get rid of everything terrible and disturbing.
Now, more specifically, if you have decided to stay in our realms, you will have to do an exercise in imagination; let’s say that I, the one who is the leader of this harbor city, am the Good Spirit, who can fulfill any wish you have. To test the intensity with which you want a real beneficial change, you have to participate in a game.
To help you adapt to this city of miracles, you must first help me. You have to free me from the magic lamp. My release from the lamp and the realization of all your desires can be achieved if you prove that you have an infinite belief in the miracle of beneficial changes, combined with a passion, just as intense, to positively change the way of thinking and acting.
Are you ready? Action! You managed to set me free! It means that you are a generous and powerful human being.
Thank you, friend! I am so happy! I feel so good!
I have been waiting for this moment for millennia; to be free to help people build normal and prosperous lives.
Now, with gratitude and generosity, I will deal with the changes in your mind and behavior that will lead you to all that is most beneficial in this world.
Congratulations, friend, for the decision to stay and live with us, in this city of sages, where all the inhabitants use only beneficial and productive thoughts and attitudes.
Before entering a game program that will determine these fundamental changes in your mind and behavior, we have some time to talk about our current concerns. I think you understood something about our way of thinking; we are convinced that we cannot be free and happy if we do not help all our fellow men be free and happy. We dream that one day the beneficial thoughts and rules of our community will reach all the earth’s inhabitants. This would mean that we will free all human beings from the current mental slavery imposed by the domination of traditional lies and prejudices.
To achieve this goal, we decided to build an organization called the “GLOBAL UNION OF MENTAL REVOLUTIONISTS.” Here, the most visionary, the most evolved, the wisest people on this land will meet, collaborate, and create new educational systems and strategies.
In this sense, give a helping hand and send messages to all your friends and acquaintances who, still, live in the traditional evil world. I’m sure everyone needs hope and encouragement!
And by the way. Here’s a little gift from me. Why are you looking so surprised? It’s a simple box of matches. Still don’t understand? Return to the shore and set fire to your ship! This way, you will be more motivated, you and your kids, to make permanent evolution and growth efforts. For we, those in this community of sages, have no way back to the traditional dark world, full of false and illusory thoughts.
So, adventurer, come and take refuge in our bay. When you come to us, you will feel the need to purify yourself and grow continually. You will desire to look at yourself, in the past, with confusion and pity.
If you have decided to stay and learn the lessons of joy in our port, you must set fire to this ship full of prejudices and illusions. This millennial legacy is, in fact, a poisoned gift. A life led by lies is a life full of conflicts and misfortunes.
This blog is the construction of a human being with the structure of an artist. This means that I should make products from all artistic fields; to write motivational legends for parents and children, plus a simple and efficient educational system. To compose inspirational songs with melodic lines and lyrics, and to interpret them. To design the choreography of some dances that I can dance with the children..
These days, as we prepare to launch the blog, a big problem has arisen; who will make the blog articles’ graphics? We were interested in left and right, but we did not find anyone who could understand how to illustrate these somewhat unconventional ideas.
And then I thought: what would it be like to try to do this job myself? If I keep claiming that I have the structure of an artist! Therefore, please be understanding. I haven’t drawn anything from school for over 50 years! To encourage me to do this, I thought that the most important thing is to develop useful ideas in educating children and parents. Then, to be a little selfish, I am glad that I will get enchanting moments learning to draw.