This is an educational blog that addresses, mainly, all parents in the world, now and in the future. The system and strategies presented here can consistently help any human being who intends to make efforts for personal evolution.
I do not believe in the transformational efficiency of some educational works that address only the conscious. Therefore, I intend to design here, together with you, a charming place to learn how to build a good life through games and fun. If you decide to participate, as a friend, in our continuous party, please do two things:
- Throw in the trash all the evil thoughts and all the negative emotions that cause disharmony in your being;
- Unleash the creativity inside you and contribute with the craziest and most original ideas to the improvement of our educational games.
I think you are aware that you will be able to access and take advantage of this place only if you manage to return to the mental-emotional states that you felt in the first years of life. You will have to relearn to sing, to dance, to create, to rejoice, to laugh, just like in childhood and adolescence.
Only in these conditions will you be able to make beneficial changes in your character and that of your child; in this sense, the positive character changes you want in your child will always be proportional to the increases in your own character.
Our main intention is to play, have fun, and evolve together; this is the surest way we can “seduce” the subconscious with our educational messages.
I believe that most human beings have been, throughout history, and are still in a severe state of mental abnormality. Instinctual impulses, prejudices, and illusions, traditionally transmitted, have dominated and dominate human thinking. The effects of this negative state, of which people, most of the time, are not even aware, have had and have disastrous consequences on the reality of social life.
Whoever is the conscious observer of existence realizes that humanity is on the close of collapse. When he appreciates this situation, the tone of some wise men of the moment becomes even harsher. Don Miguel Ruiz makes the following statement in his book “The Mastery of Love”: “I would not be wrong to say that this world is a hospital for insane.”
The presence of this aberrant situation in the human mind shows us that both the child and the parent, but also the whole of humanity, have an urgent need for a profound global change in the mental-spiritual area. We propose here the use of an educational system through which we will free the thinking of human beings from the slavery of traditional millennial prejudices. In other words, it is a reprogramming or literacy of human thought based on the fundamental values of common sense.
This means that, here and now, through this blog, we are launching a revolution. It is understood that the revolutionists, the fighters, who will participate in this generous movement will be the most conscious, the most evolved, the noblest people on this earth.
Next, I offer you the first educational toy of the blog. This is a questionnaire containing ten questions. You can complete it, through play, in just a few minutes. The way you choose between yes or no will tell you a lot about the way you think and the value of your character. At the same time, it will tell you if you have the skills of a revolutionist, the talents a hero-fighter, in the most peaceful, clean, and generous revolution in human history: the global mental-spiritual revolution.
If you feel that you resonate with this vision, if you are excited to participate in the profound reformation of your child’s thinking, if you rejoice in the thought that you will help save humanity, join our list of fighters for a real-life, a life full of joy. This choice can cause positive changes in your character and throughout your life. For a start, you will become a respected member of our union: “GLOBAL UNION OF MENTAL REVOLUTIONISTS.”
You are in the contact area with my blog, designed to educate parents on educating their children. Because you are probably a little confused and a little undecided, if you have to stay in the area or navigate further, I will tell you a few words that will help you choose.
All the blogs you access try to seduce you to “marry” them and stay faithful to them, if possible, for life. I will not try to sing you a tempting mermaid song to come to my island. On the contrary, I will warn you that the fight or the revolution that I initiated will be full of challenges; it will be an adventure full of surprises. We have to fight with a multi-millennial evil tradition, deeply rooted in the collective subconscious. Do you think this monolithic structure will be easy to destroy? No way. It will be a titanic struggle between old and new, between evil and beneficial, between illusion and truth. That is why we are not interested in recruiting anyone. We recruit only modern superheroes, noble people, clean and full of kindness and compassion for others, positive role models for thinking and behavior. This blog was not built for the author to receive money, honors, or medals, but to give compassion, strategies, and ways of mental and behavioral change.
I will present to you the schematic psychological profile of the fighter that this revolution needs:
- a human being who makes sustained efforts for permanent growth and development;
- a human being who has flexible thinking, free of prejudices;
-a human being capable of self-determination and self-control;
-a human being that has the ability to divert impulses instinctually into creative and productive activities;
-a human being who is good, gentle, modest, calm, has respect, tolerance, and compassion for everything alive.
-a human being who has infinite faith in the existence and the help of the Spiritual Forces;
-a creative human being, passionate about life and its goals;
-a human being wants to be part of an organization that aims to optimize all children’s thinking and save human civilization from extinction.
Do you find this list of positive values a bit demanding? From my perspective, this is what the characteristic profile of every normal, ordinary human being should look like. Only with such people can we build a normal and harmonious society.
If you want to become an elite fighter, a true revolutionary in our organization, you should regularly practice these values or make intense efforts to assimilate them.
This mental revolution’s success depends on the passionate involvement of the most evolved and noble human beings on this planet.
What is certain is that without determined and dedicated revolutionaries, a revolutionary movement remains only a utopian dream.
If people remain as indifferent and self-sufficient as they are today, I am sure we will face a real nightmare of humanity’s extinction.
Well, what do you say? Do you stay with me to save your life, your child’s, and the existence of all humanity, or do you not feel able to participate in this tough and unique game?
Now is the right time to put this noble and generous vision into practice.
If we wait until the first more serious signs of social degradation and destruction begin, I am afraid it will be too late to do anything to save humanity.
There will be nothing but hysteria, panic, and the animal struggle for survival…