If still, you have not decided to “enroll” as a fighter in our global movement of regeneration of global literacy of the human mind, I offer you here another solid argument to take this step.
Why did I compose this hymn? Well, a revolution without an encouraging melody is like a meal without salt or as a wedding without fiddlers!
It is about building a better and safer future for us, for our children, and all of humanity.
This hymn is a precious instrument, a handy “weapon,” necessary for our mental-spiritual revolution.
Because we have had, have, and will all need, in our difficult times, something to take us out of the area of fear and discouragement.
This hymn expresses the belief that each of us is a genius, a champion, a winner, who needs only the right amount of help, passion, and courage to practice these infinite potentialities.
This mobilizing tool was created, written, and interpreted by me. I offer it as a gift to all participants in the most pacifist, effective, generous, and noble revolution unleashed on this earth.
Now, this song has become the motivational anthem of our movement, of all parents, of all evolved people, of all members of the Global Union of Mental Revolutionists. That’s why I called it The Champions Anthem!
The power of this anthem is unleashed the moment you take on the role of Champion and start singing and dancing, wearing the shoes of a winner. Then all the negativity inside and around you will disappear. In this place, freed from the enthusiasm and joy of your soul, we will build a fresher, safer, and more flourishing world.
Many people around me tried to stop me, to ridicule me, to discourage me in order not to get involved in this movement. They have not succeeded and will not succeed, because I am convinced that this is the only solution to save the future of our children, to protect from the extinction of all humanity. The problem is that this revolution is not mine, but of all parents and all evolved human beings in our realm.
I am also firmly convinced that there are many evolved people, aware and concerned about the imminent danger of extinction. These heroes are the ones who will be involved in the development of the educational system proposed by me and will help its implementation in the global educational practice.
When I started working on this project, I decided that everything should be based on integrity and sincerity. Therefore, I feel the need to confess that I am dissatisfied with the quality obtained in making this anthem. Unfortunately, I did not allow myself to pay a real orchestra for the recording of the anthem, nor to hire a professional vocal singer. I did everything together with a friend who used a computer and the right software. Sorry. I am convinced that in the future, we will fix this problem.
The champions anthem or
The anthem of the mental revolutionist
Now I left to fight, don’t go in retreat
Now I left to fight. I’m like concrete.
Now I left to fight. I’m not a piece of pie,
I’m moving forward even if I fly
I’m moving forward even if I fly.
I have a single goal, to be a champion
I gonna fight for it, just like a big dragon
And even if you say that I don’t qualify,
I’m moving forward even if I fly.
Sometimes I feel tired; sometimes I feel lost
Sometimes the world reminds me: ” All comes at a cost!”
But I always remember: I’m a fighting guy,
I am moving forward even if I fly
I am moving forward even if I fly.
Even if sometimes I’m falling down
I always remember, the enemy is just a clown,
I always remember, that I’m a fighting guy
I am moving forward even if I fly.
Everybody loves just the champion
Everybody admires the almighty dragon
Everybody helping just the fighting guy,
I moving forward even if I fly
I moving forward even if I fly.
Anyone can be their own champion
Anyone can be their almighty dragon
Be a sensation, don’t believe the lie,
You’ll be moving forward even if you fly
You’ll be moving forward even if you fly.
Young, you will remain, as a champion
Young, you will remain, as a mythic dragon
Young, you will remain as a fighting guy,
You’ll be moving forward even if you fly
You’ll be moving forward even if you fly.
Below you can watch a short video, where I sing, dance, and enjoy the rhythm of this anthem.
I recommend that you and your child do the same. Consider celebrating the beginning of the global mental revolution that will change your life and the lives of all humanity for the better.
If I was able to do this at over 70, I am sure you will succeed too. Throw your worries in the trash, and treat yourself to some lovely moments of play!