It seems that this COVID 19 virus forgot to retreat to its den. He probably likes to “socialize” with us, people. In my view, any internal or external pests that affect human beings’ well-being or health are entropic elements. To put it more suggestively, I like to define these evil energy formations as “entropic assassins.” If you have the opportunity to read my book, which contains the new educational system through which I want to revolutionize the dysfunctional way of human thinking, you will better understand why I invented this term.

As you can see, accessing this blog, I consider myself a determined anti-entropic fighter. I have great compassion for the precarious and insecure state in which my fellows have lived and are living. I am constantly looking for solutions, methods, and strategies to remove disturbing human beings and social factors. Talking to myself, I ask, “We were missing that?” After most people are infected with many traditional prejudices, that we urgently have to clean, now this nuisance. To lend a helping hand in this situation, I made a short video that presents a secular strategy to fight viruses and bacteria. It is an excellent method, both preventive and curative, for eliminating this type of virus. I warmly recommend it!

Scientists say that:

HONG KONG /XIANGGANG/March 30/TASS/ The novel coronavirus is most active at temperatures around four degrees above zero Celsius. It gets much weaker at high temperatures, Hong Kong University scientists have found, as follows from their report uploaded to the medical research portal At four degrees, the infection lasts for more than two weeks, while at 70 degrees, it dies within five minutes.

All this world drama is only the result of the imbalances and dysfunctions caused by the human being: Removal of the fundamental values of common sense, contemptuous and indifferent attitude towards nature, selfishness, greed, instinctive reactions, etc.

Repeated violations of universal laws cannot be without consequences. This coronavirus is just one of the “entropic killers” sent to our attention as we deviated a lot from the path of normality and common sense.

Panic! The widespread panic has severely affected the human capacity for rational thinking. Everyone desperately seeks sophisticated solutions and miraculous vaccines and neglects the traditional and straightforward answers.

My present intervention is just an attempt to remind you of a standard millennial method by which we can solve this problem quickly and easily. This idea, to become functional, requires mental flexibility, dynamic communication, solidarity, and trust. I am only afraid of conservatism specific to human beings.

Let’s see what this is all about. Nothing new or spectacular! As human beings, our luck is that we have to face a weak and vulnerable opponent: Corona-virus!

What is the favorable environment in which this virus thrives? Dry and cold.

How can we kill him? In a humid and warm atmosphere, 56 degrees C. or 133 degrees F. for 10-15 minutes.

Where can we find such an environment for cleaning and purification? In the sauna, of course. Here we find temperatures between 60 – 100 degrees C.

Did I say something about humidity? Yes. The centuries-old practice shows us that the most effective wet sauna is when we breathe vapors or aerosols with natural, unprocessed salt. These aerosols contain many minerals and negative ions that have always proven effective in preventing and treating all influenza forms.

I once visited a Slavic community, where each family had a small sauna near the house. This is for them the “laboratory.” Here all the bacteria and all the viruses affecting the family members are systematically eliminated.

Dear God! You will say. I don’t have time to go to the sauna daily! I’m a doctor, or a cop, or a trader … and I get tired and scared at home. I am thinking of frustration about how not to bring the disease to all my loved ones. If you are forced to work among people, you are incredibly vulnerable. So far, apart from total isolation, nothing useful has been invented to protect us from virus contamination.

Here and now, I will give you a safe and practical idea to solve the problem.

You will have to turn the shower, which you have at home, into a micro-sauna.

What should you do?

First, place your clothes and shoes in a place as far away from family members as possible.

It isolates the shower well! Buy a simple grill and place it in the corner of the cabin. If you can afford it, you can buy an electric sauna stove. It costs about $ 300-400. Prepare a few liters of concentrated brine, salty water (melt natural salt in ordinary water, 50-100 grams for 1 liter)—order online 20 kilograms of volcanic rock for sauna or barbecue. Put the pieces of rock on the grill. Connect this grill to the electric mains to “bake” the volcanic rock (until you get the rock from the internet, you can use stones in the river, but they are less efficient). When the volcanic rock and the cabin’s climate are overheated, turn off the power supply to eliminate the risk of electric shock. Get naked entirely and enter the cabin. Close the cab tightly and throw the concentrated brine, repeatedly, on the overheated rocks. Use a thermometer to ensure the brine vapors have reached 60 – 100 degrees C. Start at lower temperatures to get used to the rising temperatures. Some practitioners can withstand temperatures of 90 – 100 degrees C in (for) the short term!

Breathe repeatedly, in-depth, the hot steam rising from the hot rocks. It was trying to withstand 10 to 15 minutes. In this way, we kill viruses from the skin’s surface and the entire respiratory tract.

A short shower, and you can safely return to your family. This is a story you should repeat daily, when you return home, even during regular times. Vapors with hot brine act as antiviral but also antibacterial. A useful and straightforward process, both preventive and recent contamination, is also curative to help treatment.

You can use any other method to overheat the shower cabin and turn the brine into hot steam. If you do not have a barbecue, you can put the volcanic rock pieces in a 10-15 kg metal bucket. Insert between the rocks an electric heater from a washing machine. When the rocks are overheated, throw the brine on them. You will get the same effects.

I’ve also thought about people who are forced to travel permanently and can’t come home at night. We have designed a mobile device for them, a manufacturer of hot saline aerosols, which can be used wherever there is an electricity source.

Try to popularize these ideas to eliminate suffering and death from the world, to help as many people overcome this global misery.

Try to convince everyone around you to build micro saunas or devices that produce saline aerosols at the highest temperatures. If all families on Earth used such a system, any risk of a viral pandemic would be gone, and people would be much more robust and healthier. The beneficial effects of the presented method are multiple: It destroys viruses and bacteria, removes stress, detoxifies, aids blood circulation, cancels insomnia, relaxes muscles, regenerates skin, strengthens immunity, eliminates diseases of the respiratory system, dramatically increases health and longevity, etc.

Remember that we are all brothers! From birth to the return to the Spiritual World, each of us battles desperately against evil. And it makes her lonely and frightened. The time of the lone fighter is past! If we want to have a good life, if we’re going to save human civilization from extinction, we must all enlist in a well-organized, universal army that fights wise strategies against entropy.

Read, get informed, and experiment! Enjoy and thank the Supreme Spirit for this blessed gift!

For critical analysis or decent creative ideas that can help develop this therapeutic system’s development and globalization, you can contact me at
