The second part

The ten most significant events in my life that brought me close to death.

In the first part, which I dedicated to Faith’s super-value, I told you five events that could have ended tragically for my life. This article will continue to say to you five other strange events that could have caused my physical disappearance.


I grew up. Now, I was a student at the high school in my town. We were extremely poor materially. Every penny was essential to ensure our survival. Recalling that period, I realize that it was an incredible gift for shaping my character; minimalist living, modesty, tenacity, mental flexibility, etc. Usually, needy families no longer struggled to keep their children in school and sent them to practice various trades. My mother didn’t even want to hear about such a variant. She behaves like a lioness in a cage: “You have to go to high school and college, you have to get out of this area of ​​physical slavery!” she said firmly. The two boys built a productive tradition; we are temporarily engaged on construction sites during the summer holidays. Usually, we perform masonry or painting work. I think I would still be able to paint a house or an apartment.


That summer, unfortunately, I did not find anything working on the site as a painter. In these conditions, I was hired by a team that worked on green spaces; here, the essential tools were: the wheelbarrow, the pickaxe, and the shovel. We maintained or built new parks.

One day, in the area where we worked, a big truck full of fertile soil was brought, which we had to place over inevitable potholes and unevenness. After the driver tipped the ground, the truck’s wheels began to skid. We had to push this big truck all the team members to get out of that area with the softer ground.

I was pushing on the left side of the driver’s cab. At one point, I slipped and was caught in the rear wheels. In the next few moments, the truck passed over me. A few of my colleagues who saw the scene screamed in horror and came running to pick me up from the ground. I stood up, staggering uncertainly to my feet. Except for scratches and torn pants, there were no other negative consequences. I remember being ashamed of the areas left bare after this incident. What is a little annoying is that nobody believes that a man can escape healthy after such an incident. Everyone says it’s an exaggeration and laughs, amused. I am regarded as a fisher who says he caught a fish over 10 meters. It is possible that you, too, will adopt this distrustful attitude. From my point of view, it was a real miracle.


Sleeping in a room with a continuous source of free methane gas is usually an eternal sleep.

When I realize this, I become aware that a long time has passed in which I have not faced any evil events.

The incident I relate here happened to me at the age of 30. Time passed, I worked as an employee, married, two children … all the cutlery of life.

During the summers, my parents would return to work the country’s land in their grandparents’ house (which I told you about in previous stories). It was the happiest time of their lives; in summer, they stayed free in the country, with chickens, puppies, piglets. In late autumn, I would bring them by car, with many agricultural products, to the city’s apartment to spend the winter season. This cyclical movement is repeated regularly every year.

At that time, I lived in another city, quite close to the town where my parents had this apartment. Because I was connected to specific interests and in the town where my parents lived, I had to use their apartment as a hotel room in the summer. It was a very convenient arrangement for me.

It was a freezing autumn evening. I came home from work, went into the apartment, and first had a snack. Then I sat down on a chair on the apartment’s balcony, meditatively listening to the adjoining church’s solemn bells. At one point, I felt cold and went inside. Being tired, I thought of going to bed. Then I realized that it was too cold to rest in normal conditions. I was not prepared for this situation. The heating system of the apartment was centralized. This system was to come into operation after a month when the outside temperature was to drop below 0 degrees.

Under these conditions, I used the only strategy I had at my disposal to heat the apartment a little: lighting the four fire sources on the stove.

Then I went to bed quietly. It was already getting warmer in the house, and I fell asleep satisfied. After about 2-3 hours, I was besieged by blurry nightmarish dreams that seemed to warn me that I was in danger. I woke up completely, with my left hand around my neck; I felt like I was suffocating. I jumped out of bed and went out on the balcony of the apartment. I breathed the clean, cold night air greedily. After I recovered, I went, without trying to turn on the light bulb, to the stove. None of the 4 sources of fire and heat were burning there. The gas pressure in the network has increases or decreases in pressure.  This phenomenon can lead to blocking to fire. Although it was freezing, I opened all the windows of the apartment. After that, I turned on the light. It is said that a gas-infested chamber can jump into the air even by lighting a single light bulb. I did not dare to test this hypothesis. Those who checked it did not have time to tell what they found.

Was it a happy ending also a real miracle?


At the age of 33, I made another mistake.

I decided together with a friend to grow nutria to capitalize on their fur and meat. The money we earned as a psychologist at a state institution was too little to survive decently, and we were desperately looking for opportunities to earn something extra.

This friend’s parents lived in the country, near the city where I lived and worked. They had the right conditions for raising these fur animals. Also, we lived in a time when nutria fur was in vogue. It was so resilient that mothers left their fur coats to their daughters. I’m ashamed of what I did then. Now I wouldn’t be able to kill any animals. I am filled with infinite pity when I see an animal is suffering. Maybe you noticed that I also took care of raising purebred goats. If a baby goat accidentally died, I couldn’t stop crying for days. Then I felt the most devastating emotions of pain at the loss of a loved one. Goats, especially young ones, have a fantastic ability to enjoy life. If they were more careful, people would learn more easily from the goats to access the intense states of joy. But, I’ve strayed from what I want to tell you.

Near their house, my friend’s parents had a large orchard with old trees. One day, at the beginning of summer, my friend says to me: “Look at these trees, as they are loaded with ripe fruit. You are slender and agile. Don’t you want to pick these cherries? If you manage to pick them, we will all eat to our heart’s content.” Said and done. At one point, I climbed on a branch that hung full of delicious fruit above a metal fence. The vertical components of the fence were sharp-pointed pieces of iron. At one point, the branch broke, and I collapsed into the void, from a few meters high. Falling, I watched in horror as my body fast closer to those sharp spikes. Fortunately, I passed only a few inches from the fence and fell to the ground without getting injured.

I’m sure my guardian angel was nearby. He probably thought I’d share the cherries with him.

Happy coincidence or miracle?


Now, I’m going to tell you another story about car traffic. The truth is that the transition from horse carriage to a motor vehicle has caused many human casualties and terrible pollution. Is it worth paying this tribute in exchange for speed and comfort? I have no idea.

Like all “civilized” people, I am obliged to participate in this somewhat malicious activity. About seven years ago, I made several visits to a big city west of the country. My partner had problems to solve in that city—something about completing university studies.

On one of these trips, I participated in a dangerous adventure, which I can’t forget even today.

We had finished solving all the problems, and we decided to return to the city where we live. There is a distance of over 300 kilometers between the two cities. I refueled the car at a station at the town’s exit; I checked that everything was in order, and I went home. Before leaving the big city for good, we realized that we were hungry. Taken by the wave of daily worries, we forgot to solve this “minor” problem as well.

After consulting each other, we decided to stop at a food shop to buy something that solves this need mentioned in the needs pyramid. Somewhere to the right of the road, we saw several commercial-looking buildings. I slowed down and stopped on the right. Then followed a brief dispute over the preferred food list. On a piece of paper, I wrote all the food approved by the two “buyers committee members.”

I took the list, opened the car door, put one foot on the asphalt, and looking through the windshield, and I saw a dynamic film that froze our blood in our veins, our bodies in our seats, and our words in our throats. A huge TIR truck was leaning towards us at high speed, relying only on the left wheels. A few fractions of a second, the car tilted even further to the left, and a few meters from us, it collapsed permanently. He slipped a few meters on the asphalt and stopped 2-3 meters from our car. Do you think I went downstairs to buy food? Not to mention! We saw how the driver came out safely through the car’s windshield. We started fast, and we didn’t stop until we got home. Along the way, we discussed several more sinister scenarios that could have happened: What if we gave up shopping and came out a minute faster on the sidewalk where the truck crashed? What if the truck kept its balance for a few more meters and hit right over our car? If you participate in such events every day, you will no longer have an appetite—a new practical and straightforward way to lose weight. We were one step away from being executed!

And this incident seems to me to be a miracle.


I will tell you an incident, in fact, two, almost identical to mental action. I don’t think there’s any point in boring you with details. I want to tell you how I reacted promptly and efficiently in two-car situations, without any contribution from the perceptual apparatus and the mind’s conscious level. I was sleeping in the right seat of the car. In the first case, I was a driving instructor, and I had a beginner student with poor skills for this activity. It was night, and I was tired. While driving, crossing a rural area, I fell asleep, and the student had to drive alone. When the car approached the center of that community, I suddenly woke up, grabbed the steering wheel held by the student with my left hand, and pulled to the left, passing in the other direction. Fortunately, being a very late hour, it does not circulate in the other direction. After waking up a bit, I stopped the car, got down, and studied the street carefully. We discovered a huge unmarked pit on our side of the walk, probably dug during the day. Without any visual perception, without the participation of the conscious, I reacted incredibly appropriately. My student told me that he did not see anything, and in this condition, we would indeed have fallen into that colossal pit. I did not find any logical explanation for this. An entity woke me up suddenly, warned me, and made me pull the steering wheel to the left to avoid the pit in the road. Years later, I went through such a situation. This time it was a sunny day, and my partner drove the car. I was sleeping in the right seat (our friend was a little sleepy, wasn’t he?). I don’t know why my partner lost control of the steering wheel, and the car was speeding towards a car coming in the opposite direction. My left hand flashed toward the steering wheel, this time pulling to the right. The collision was avoided in the last fraction of a second.

And these were miracles?

I could tell you and other real events in my life, more or less strange, from which I came out well.

If I were to apply the legitimacy of probability theory to my life, I would have to be dead a few times. If I did not die, it means that I was protected by something or someone. There is no other explanation. My Faith is indestructible and straightforward. There is an infinite energetic Force that created us and sent us to this land. We must express our kindness, love, respect, and gratitude to this universally unknown Parent through everything we think and everything we do. I think people should focus more on how they prepare for the spiritual world and less on the comfort of their days on this earth.
