I’m not claiming that most people are crazy. I’m just saying that they are abnormal, or rather, that they are characterized by disharmony mentally. It’s not just my opinion. It is a belief unanimously accepted by thinkers of all times.
We only mention Socrates, who was sentenced to death 2500 years ago, because he teaches the city’s young people to doubt the value of inherited thoughts.
A few hundred years ago, Descartes built methodical doubt on all existing knowledge and information.
It is an indisputable truth that most people have a distorted perception of internal and external realities. If this state of abnormality had no real negative consequences, perhaps no reformist intention would be needed. Unfortunately, these mental dysfunctions are faithfully expressed in inappropriate, destructive, disruptive life decisions.
You can better understand why there is an urgent need for a profound revolution in the human mind, and I will tell you a short story. It is a story that describes where it comes from, and from what elements are composed, the thoughts with which the mind of human beings operates.
The mental realities we analyze are incredibly subtle and delicate. It’s difficult to explain and understand. Therefore, we will often have to use some metaphorical stories. You probably know that oral and then written storytelling is considered the first educational method.
Here, in this story, the main character is even you, my friend, the one you read this article. Please get into the character’s skin!
Today, when you came down to pick up your correspondence from the metal box, you had a big surprise; among the bills and advertisements, you discovered an elegant letter, sent by a famous law firm. The text was short, sober, and strictly official.
You were told that a great-grandfather, who had reached more than a century of existence, had died. In addition to condolences, you were informed that this eccentric great-grandfather had decided to appoint you as his heir.
The idea is that overnight you became the owner of a castle of inestimable value. You’re happy, aren’t you? And I would be satisfied if I had your “luck.” However, you are surprised by this decision. You remember that the older man had a deep antipathy for you, and he was making fun of you whenever he had the opportunity.
Somewhere in the letter, you discovered, very finely written, a mandatory clause. The heir is forced to move and live in this beautiful castle, but he cannot change anything inside, not even to clean. No changes, no sales, nothing!
A little worried, you get in the car with the whole family and happily go to receive your inheritance.
Arrive safely on the platform in front of the palace and get out of the car. Wow! A delightful day ennobled by a gentle autumn sun. Fairytale castle with shining towers! White swans float on the lake, among the fallen yellow leaves of secular trees.
After a few moments of daydreaming, you wake up and climb the steps to discover the treasures housed in the castle rooms. The door opens hard, it creaks for a long time, but you manage to enter the main hall in the end.
It’s not possible! The huge room has a single narrow path. All spaces are occupied to the ceiling by a mixture of valuables and garbage. Spider webs can be seen everywhere. You check the other salons and meet the same situation; pestilential smells, naughty rats, dirty rags mixed with expensive paintings and diamonds. You all ran outside, terrified and disgusted. You remember the clause: NO CHANGES, NO SALES, NOTHING!
“What a delightful legacy, honey!” Your wife tells you, laughing. “Indeed, you were his favorite great-grandson!”
You get in the car and go home sad. After a few kilometers of driving, a thought comes to you that determines you to stop the vehicle on the right. Livid on your face, you ask your wife: “How many millions do you think are the taxes for our beautiful property?”
She, who never loses her sense of humor, answers indirectly, talking to the children: “The other day you had to do an essay at school: “What does a poisoned gift mean?” Now you know. This is a poisoned gift, or if you want another expression, a Trojan horse!”
We, all human beings, suffer the same as the character in the story above. We are the possessors of a poisonous inheritance, and we serenely accept to use it. People do not understand that it is a raw, crude cultural-informational substance.
This legacy can be useful, beneficial, and valuable only if passed through an elaborate process of filtration, refining, distillation, and separation. This action of selection and purification is as natural and logical as possible; we keep the gold and throw the sand.
To help you with other metaphors. Why don’t you refuel your car with crude oil and wait for the gas to come from the refinery? Why don’t you go straight to the barrel of fermented plums to drink a glass of brandy and stay until you get distilled brandy? Why don’t you go straight to the hive to eat honey and stay for it to be given to the separator? When you are thirsty, why not drink water directly from a polluted pond, but wait to pass it through a high-performance purifier?
Why do people agree to use this crude traditional mental “fuel” full of evil thoughts with disruptive and destructive effects? Why don’t we build some simple “refining technologies” to help us use a high quality “mental fuel”? But don’t you think about our children? Why do we irresponsibly force them to think as wrongly and destructively as we and our ancestors?
Almost all human beings have received such a poisoned gift. Almost all human beings give this gift with confidence and veneration to future generations. Famous thinkers have issued warnings about the evil elements contained in this informational-cultural gift. They suggested that mechanisms be introduced to detect and eliminate harmful components that seriously distort human decisions.
Ordinary people ignored them. The ancestors’ prestige, habits, and mental laziness canceled any attempt to revolt against this mental slavery. Consequently, we are all forced to endure horrifying evil effects: depression, anxiety, mental illness, conflict, divorce, war, stupid political and economic experiments, etc.
Do you and your descendants agree to live in this hell built by dysfunctional thinking? Do you accept the probability of the extinction of humanity?
Friend, I am happy to announce to you that the process of mental purification has begun!
A little below, you will find a small drawing. It is a graphic joke, which presents the filtering process through which this raw cultural-informational substance should pass. Observe the multi-millennial pipeline that feeds our mind with cultural-informational substance with a high content of toxic mental waste. Below, we see the filter that selects and eliminates poisonous garbage.
Suppose I guarantee you that we can build real heaven in this realm, just by participating in some fun educational games. Aren’t you tempted to become one of the heroes of the mental revolution? Aren’t you tempted to join in the process of eliminating evil from your thinking and that of your child? Aren’t you tempted to become the saving hero of humanity from extinction?
If you only knew how simple it is! Just a few fun games that you have to participate in repeatedly. It is a matter of conscience and responsibility! You choose between hell and heaven! I warned you and built the educational system you need to save yourself and the whole world. As long as I live on this earth, I will do everything in my power to put this educational vision into practice.
Comparing people’s mental programs with a computer program, we can say that we do not have problems in the hard drive area, but in the software area. Our computer works great, but the program it works with is more or less infected.
The main problem I face when I intend to start this global mental revolution is the quasi-general state of people’s unconsciousness. I have the feeling that the overwhelming majority of people are drugged or hypnotic.
Why don’t people realize that it works after a dysfunctional virus program? Why aren’t they terrified of the evil effects caused by these dysfunctional programs? Why don’t they take steps to change this sad state of affairs? Why not they fight to free themselves from this state of manipulative slavery?
I believe that we have been facing a hidden evil situation for millennia, which systematically contributes to people’s illness and unhappiness.
Ever since I started this project, I keep asking myself: Who is in a severe state of abnormality, me or most people?
When I warn that we live in a strange, disharmonious world because people agree to think using traditional programs full of mental garbage, the people smile with pity or send me to a psychiatric office.
Some even gently apostrophize me: “If people have been working this way for thousands of years, why are you coming now and trying to wake them from their sleep full of beautiful dreams?”
“Doesn’t it matter that the whole of history is full of evil deeds and suffering? Doesn’t it matter that these dysfunctions in the human mind can lead, in the current conditions, to the extinction of humanity?” I answer them anxiously.
The other day when I was meditating on finding ideas or strategies to wake people up, to make them aware of these negative states of affairs, I was assaulted by an inhuman toothache. The point is, I’m not used to physical pain because I’ve never been sick. Someone once said to me with envy, “Dude, it’s like you’re made of titanium!”
I writhed in pain all night. Desperate, I tried all kinds of folk remedies: saltwater, mouthwash, cloves, etc. Thinking I would recover, I ran to town early in the morning and bought myself some painkillers. Error! I improved the effects a bit, but I didn’t focus on eliminating the causes.
I did the same as most people who have experienced significant dysfunction. They do not take proactive, more effective, and cheaper measures to prevent the causes but try late to alleviate the effects that disrupt their lives.
I took a pill, and the pain was gone. Everything returned to “normal.” I returned, cheerfully, to my daily routine; I even made my sports program.
After about 3 hours, when the analgesic effect was gone, I returned to the hell of pain. Consuming analgesics every 2-3 hours is not a rational solution. A lot of negative consequences can occur …
After another creepy night, in the morning, I searched for a serious solution, eliminating the cause of the pain.
Unfortunately, another obstacle problem arose. That day of December 1, 2020, was declared a day off because it was the national day and St. Andrew. Most clinics were closed.
Desperate, I asked the internet for help. Researching in a hurry, I discovered six dental clinics that offered emergency services. When to do research that is more serious and competent when I screamed in pain?
In those moments, I remembered that a few days before, I read about a character who adopted a bizarre method of making decisions. He was rolling his dice! Yes. Roll the dice to find out which option is more favorable. You choose six locations. You want to know which is the most suitable restaurant, you want to know which is the most suitable cinema, you want to know in which location you have to go on vacation … yes with the dice.
In these situations, the decision is made by the Universe. Because I was pressed by time and pain, I did the same. Having no dice with me, I closed my eyes and extended my index finger to the phone screen. I called the number touched by my finger; I was scheduled immediately, and I got here:
I climbed some steep stairs and entered the JADENT clinic. I was greeted by a few girls dressed in glittering white, who were chirping happily around me. I felt like a hero with a chest full of medals! It was as if my pain had passed. I was immediately taken to a doctor’s office.
Then I saw Cosmin. A tall, cute, slender, and lively young man, like a squirrel. He was assuring me with a smile that pain is a gift from the Creator, a beneficial alarm, warning us that we have a problem to solve, an urgent harmful problem.
He approached me, made a few magician movements in the affected area, and the pain disappeared instantly. We had a few more meetings, in which all the problems that affected that area were eliminated. The Universe has made an excellent choice! I thank Him! Then things went back to their natural course.
I got home and meditated on this incident. What positive message does this situation contain? Why did I have to suffer the pain for two nights?
Immediately, I realized. It was so simple and obvious!
People are not aware of evil garbage in their minds because it DOESN”T HURT, DOES NOT CAUSE PAIN. It does not cause IMMEDIATE PAIN, just as a dental infection or other physical condition causes pain. Unfortunately, using these evil thoughts will cause trouble and misery in reality. Only then WILL WE FEEL INTENSE PAIN, but it will be too late.
Even in these conditions, most people are not aware of the causal link between their evil thought and evil events. They cannot accept that their negative thoughts create misfortunes. They believe that dysfunctions are caused by a cruel fate or other black characters orbiting around them.
Interesting, isn’t it? In most physical illnesses, the Creator has given us pain as a warning, as an alarm, to take preventive treatment measures. Even in the physical area, however, there are situations when there is no painful warning.
Do you know how cardiologists nickname hypertension? SILENT KILLER! You have a few years of blood pressure above normal limits; nothing hurts, you have various complications, and … you die. Things are about the same with cirrhosis of the liver.
Why didn’t He give us a painful warning in case of invasions of evil, destructive thoughts? Why, when you are manipulated by prejudice or an impulse, which will determine you to make a wrong choice, with painful consequences, does not a terrible headache appear? Has He forgotten? I do not believe it.
Probably a painful warning would have been incompatible with the house of thoughts.
The Creator did not offer us a painful warning because he gave us something much more valuable and more efficient: THE VALUES (OR BELIEFS) OF COMMON SENSE. Whoever has the time and competence to analyze this spiritual formation will find that all its components, acting synergistically, can fulfill many functions.
Among the most important actions, we must mention the WARNING about mental viruses and the FILTER to eliminate this mental garbage.
Thinking more in-depth, we realize that activating and using common sense is a panacea—a safe solution for solving any personal or social problem. Make an effort of imagination and mentally draw a world where every human being would practice these values or beliefs. Heaven on earth, isn’t it?
Do you see, parent-friend, why I act resolutely to revolutionize the mind of all people? You have to admit that it is a cause, a mission, worth sacrificing for.
Dude, there’s a good chance you’ll blame me for exaggerating the evil effects of a mental activity involving a lot of viruses. How much I would like to err in appreciating dysfunctional mental realities; let everything be pink and normal! Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. Nero, Hitler, Stalin, etc., were in “perfect normalcy,” assassinate tens of millions of human beings.
“You always go back to the past, to history; human civilization has evolved at great speed, people are now more educated, blah, blah, blah …” you will say.
You make me laugh at your naivete. My friend, absolutely nothing has changed in the way people think when they make choices.
How about this press release that appeared these days: “A Romanian doctor was killed in Germany. The police detained the main suspect, his ex-boyfriend.” And when you see that the boy is not guilty of anything, the guilty is his mental program, formed in the first years of life.
It seems such an unjust and foolish thing; a mental program determines the deed, and a person is punished or executed. Why not punish the ancestors who created and sent us this cognitive program full of viruses? Why not punish the parents who transmitted this program without worrying about its purification? Why not punish the whole society, which indulges in this situation of generalized mental abnormality?
In conclusion, are two reasons why people are not terrified of the state of slavery compared to traditional destructive thoughts:
- Their presence in the human mind is not accompanied by intense physical or psychological pain, which warns people of their harmful nature.
- People are not aware of the strict causal link between using these thoughts in decision making and the wrong facts in reality. In other words, people do not realize that illusory thoughts lead to wrong decisions that, in the end, result in painful, dysfunctional realities.
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